We find ourselves in the initial days of 2024, harboring hope that fortune will favor us throughout the upcoming year and beyond. In the absence of such favor, may we discover the courage and composure to navigate any circumstance that unfolds.
Reflecting on the past year, I’ve encountered blessings, challenges, and invaluable lessons, all of which I am grateful for. During a brief holiday hiatus, I took the opportunity to assess the highs and lows of the preceding year, contemplating what I could carry forward into 2024.
On giving closures. You don’t have to wait for anyone to give this to you, or for an event that will signal a closure. Be the one to give the closure that you need for a journey that has come to an end.
I have said farewell several times in the past year to jobs, and some people. At times, a goodbye need not be uttered, you just know it is time for a new beginning.
On new beginnings. You can begin again at any point in your life. Holding on to something that is no longer serving you is an act of disservice to yourself. It will be hard, but finding the courage from deep within yourself to start anew can be the best gift to yourself.
On self-compassion. Cliche as it may sound but we all make mistakes and will commit again. While we are in the process of learning the lesson, let us be kind and gentle to ourselves.
I still find myself grappling with this, occasionally forgetting to be gentle when faced with mistakes or setbacks. Reminding myself to avoid harsh self-judgment becomes paramount.
On being in charge of your life. There is no one else in charge of your life but yourself.
The reminder to be the master of one’s destiny echoes persistently. Often plagued by self-doubt and the fear of failure, I’ve realized the importance of relying on a trusted circle as a sounding board. Expressing my feelings serves as a catalyst, pushing me forward and reinforcing that I am the captain of my ship, the architect of my destiny. With this realization, the empowering truth resonates—I alone possess the ability to navigate my life in the direction I desire.
Undoubtedly, there will be lessons to be learned this 2024. Let us welcome this year with open arms, take all the good with us, and leave the bad behind. Cheers!
You may reach the author at joba.botana@gmail.com.